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African Consultative Forum (ACF) Hamburg Inaugurated on Africa Day 2012   The African Consultative Forum (ACF), a think tank initiated by Hon. Kenneth Gbandi as one of the two representatives of the Africa Region in the Integration Council established by the Hamburg Senate (the Government of the Hamburg City-State), was inaugurated during an imposing celebration, with Banquet, on 25th May 2012 at Le Royal Hamburg. Important political and administrative personalities such as Mr. Dietrich Wersisch, Parliamentary Whip of the CDU Party in the Hamburg Parliament, Mr. Nikolaus Haufler, also of the CDU parliamentary group  responsible for Integration,  Mr Elombo…

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PRESS RELEASE Official Media Presentation: Afrika in Hamburg -The Pathfinder (Wegweiser & Information Broschüre)   It is my great pleasure and with a deep sense of humility, to present to you “Afrika in Hamburg -The Pathfinder (Wegweiser & Information Broschüre). Hamburg is a multicultural modern society with over 1.8 million citizens. Sizable parts of this population are people with immigration backgrounds, 30% to be precise, of which over 35,000 are of African origins. This brings with it, a colourful and vibrant diversity but also, special challenges. As a newly elected Representative of the African Community in…

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The up – down sides of aiding    – Professor Brando Okolo The discussion on development-aid to Africa can be viewed along several conduits. In the end, the viewer is left with no choice but to be ambivalent. It has to be considered that without development-aid a lot of civil infrastructure such as health centres, schools, roads and efficient agricultural practices, which are already present in Africa would not in the first place be there or sustainable. These civil structures ensure that societies in Africa are accessible, that sustainable economic capacity can be built at the grassroots level and that…

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Hamburger “Vida Addae” vies for Parliamentary election in Ghana for EJISU-JUABEN Constituency in Ashanti Region Prof. Brando Okolo once asked a question. How can we become involved in German politics?  He answered that in his article “Congress for the Advancement of People of African Heritage (CAPAH)” that to become involved in German politics, we first need to establish political capital on the grass-root level. This can be done by identifying a city, village or (county) where Africans are high in population. This city or country will serve as a model political district. He stated further that we…

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PRESS RELEASE IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT CALL TO ACTION: To all Sons and Daughters of Umuahia Region: You are hereby request to come out in mass and participate in the Dim Ojukwu Memorial on the 23rd June. “We cannot forget the Role Umuahia played in the life and Government of Gen. Ojukwu”. If you arrive Frankfurt on that day, please call and meet with me for  an important Information and briefing – Mazi Emeka Anyanwu (Okasike). Tel. 01708360488, Email:

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Hamburg Football Sport Court: The sweet Taste of Victory-NCG FC wins their appeal, advances to the next league! The recent drama at the Hamburg Football Verband ended on a sweet note.  The outcome of the judgment also answered some earlier raised questions in affirmative; that is if Hamburg football is ready for an all-black football Club and sincerity of integration through sports campaign. The Appeal court answered the prayers of NCG FC. The Judges concluded that they are convinced that NCG FC showed enough commitment to the full investigation of the case, a reason for the removal of three points from…

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The promise of development-aid Let us now consider the biggest development-aid idea ever conceived for humanity; The Millennium Development Goals – MDG. The Millennium Development Goals is a firm commitment by the world community to act on eight broad issues believed to be at the core of human development. These eight topics are: (i)                 Eradication of extreme poverty and hunger – requiring that the proportion of people living on one US dollar per day and the proportion of people who suffer from hunger are both halved between 1990 and 2015. (ii)               Ensure that by 2015 every child in the world…

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Development-aid and its role within the African developmental frontiers Prof Brando Okolo Abstract Development-aid is a necessity not only for the least developed and moderately developed nations in Africa but also for the highly developed nations. This type of aid should ensure that the human social development is brought to a level where it can self sustain and assume own growth initiatives. Aid funds deployed from the boardrooms of rich organisations and parliamentary floors of wealthy nations to assist Africa become self reliant are often sliced-up by fund and project managers before it arrives desperate communities in Africa. Africans will…

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Victoria A. Gbandi- The Ezinne (Good Mother) of  St. John Anglican Church Marks her 85th Birthday Mama, your cheerful dispositions and amazing Christian devotions merged with an inspiring humane and accommodating perseverance has laid a solid foundation for your 10 wonderful children. I will leave it to the imagination of your well wishesrs of how you have successfully brought up your children with Chief E.C. Gbandi, Iwegwe Ojiba of Akwukwu Igbo (late). Mrs. Victoria Gbandi, nee Ogbo was made a Lay Reader in 1985 at St John’s Anglican Church Akwukwu-Igbo. She was again recently conferred with the Honour of Ezinne…

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PRESS RELEASE The killing of Christy Schwundeck  (infomation also in German) Frankfurt – Germany 19 May 2011, a 39-year-old African woman of Nigerian origin, Christy Schwundeck was shot and killed by a female Germany police officer in an employment centre in Frankfurt am Main. Christy Schwundeck was a mother of a 12-year-old daughter. She lost her previous job and had to apply for Hartz IV welfare support. On the tragic morning she went to the job centre to enquire about her unemployment benefits. The rest is now history. A pistol was fired at Christy Schwundeck and she later died from…

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