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Zuma: Sea of opportunity awaits By Sipho Khumalo ( newsshare Richards Bay, KZN – President Jacob Zuma has lashed the KwaZulu-Natal business community for its lack of innovation and creativity in embracing obvious opportunities afforded by its unique coastline. Delivering the keynote address on Thursday at the Richards Bay Jobs Summit and Jobs Fair, hosted by the Department of Labour, Zuma urged business people in the province to stop fighting over tenders. Instead he said they should be developing innovative businesses that took advantage of the coastline close to major commercial and industrial centres. Zuma said countries that had…

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Behold ‘Field Marshal’ Goodluck Jonathan (newsShare) He has said he is neither a General nor a Pharaoh. But yesterday, he looked every inch a Field Marshal, a rank no living or dead Nigerian leader has ever attained. The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, at the inauguration of a production line for arms and ammunition by the Army, frowned like a soldier as he took the salute. Not that he did not smile intermittently, but his countenance, for most of the time he gracefully wore his Field Marshal rank, was soldierly. He shook hands and…

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Government recognises the right of foreigners to establish businesses – Trade Minister newsshare Ms Hannah Tetteh, Minister of Trade and Industry on Tuesday, said government recognised the right of foreigners to establish businesses in the country but they needed to abide by all legal requirements. She said for any foreigner to establish a business in the country it was important to meet the minimum obligations before they could operate freely. Ms Tetteh was addressing a press conference after a closed door meeting with the Economic Community of West African State (ECOWAS) Parliamentary delegation in Accra on Tuesday.…

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“Nigerians Embassy officials are sustained with taxpayer’s money and are primarily posted to safeguard the welfare of Nigerians” – from part of the text – THE posting of 93 new ambassadors to various parts of the world should ordinarily signify a new order in international relations for the country. It should also provide some hope for Nigerians in the Diaspora who have had less than satisfactory attention from representatives of their home government. It is imperative therefore that President Goodluck Jonathan’s charge to the new appointees to protect Nigerians in their countries of posting should be taken with…

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The Long March to Berlin: Windows of discourse fast closing on Ambassador Usman – Report by African Heritage Magazine Germany               “Ambassador  Usman unqualified to serve in Germany ” On 14th June 2012 the gates of the Embassy of Nigeria Berlin was closed and protected by a team of stern looking German Policemen. At first, one was lost as to the real reason for heavy presence of the Police but on a closer look, the non-stop blaring of music and intermittent choruses of the Concerned Nigeria Group explained the anomaly. Essentially, the police was there to ensure that the right to protest…

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Nigerians at war with Embassy: Protest against Ambassador Abubakar in Berlin -African Courier Magazine ” calls on the government to recall the ambassador Abubakar gets louder” Nigerians living in Germany have been complaining about the poor service delivery of their Embassy for a long time. Now they have taken the bull by the horns: they will hold a public protest in front of the chancery in Berlin on 14 June. “Nigerians living in Germany have kept quiet for so long and as a result our embassy officials believe it is their right to exploit and treat us the way they like,”…

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SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: Which direction will take Africa after the Rio+20 Summit? The Rio +20 Summit on Sustainable Development would be held in Brazil from 20 to 22 June 2012. Will it help to push the renewable energy agenda in Africa? Or will it once again  be one of those moments of pure statements of intent? 1. Green economy and poverty reduction “The green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication” is the first theme of the UN conference in Rio. When you get to talk to some European or other Westerners about Africa,…

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NCG gets election committee The Nigerian community Germany named three members; Kenneth Gbandi (Hamburg), David Peters (Münster) and Osaze Irowa (Berlin) to join the existing members of the National executive in a committee to oversee the next election. In the first 2012 meeting of the NCG and branches held in Kiel on 12.05, the newly formed committee was tasked by the NCG Chairman Lambert Ahamefule -who presided the meeting to:  set guidelines, dissipate adequate information, accredit the branches and conduct the election. They are also expected to review the constitution. Other main resolutions adopted at the breakthrough meeting…

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African Day Celebration And ACF Inauguration Buffet in Hamburg (Pix L) Mr. Elombo Bolayela, the African SPD Parliamentarian in the City-State of Bremen, then gave a sober speech in which he called on Africans to wake up to the challenges in Germany; calling upon the Germans, on the other hand, to embrace more than ever before the philosophy of true integration” It was a spectacular and glamorous night full of excitement. An occasion where a large section of  the opinion leaders of the African community in Hamburg, politicians in the Hamburg Parliament, top Administrators and Academics saw it as…

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Le Forum Consultatif Africain (ACF), un think tank initié par l’honorable Kenneth Gbandi  l’un des deux représentants Afrique au sein du Conseil d’intégration mis en place par le Sénat de Hambourg (le Gouvernement de la ville de Hambourg-Etat), a été inauguré au cours d´un  banquet, le 25 mai 2012 à la Salle Le Royal Hambourg. D´ éminentes personnalités politiques et du monde des affaires tels que Mr. Dietrich Wersisch, chef du groupe parlementaire du Parti CDU (Parti de la Chancelière Merkel)  au Parlement de Hambourg, M. Nicholas Haufler, aussi du groupe parlementaire CDU  chargé de l’Intégration, M. Elombo…

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