African Consultative Forum (ACF) Hamburg Inaugurated on Africa Day 2012
The African Consultative Forum (ACF), a think tank initiated by Hon. Kenneth Gbandi as one of the two representatives of the Africa Region in the Integration Council established by the Hamburg Senate (the Government of the Hamburg City-State), was inaugurated during an imposing celebration, with Banquet, on 25th May 2012 at Le Royal Hamburg. Important political and administrative personalities such as Mr. Dietrich Wersisch, Parliamentary Whip of the CDU Party in the Hamburg Parliament, Mr. Nikolaus Haufler, also of the CDU parliamentary group responsible for Integration, Mr Elombo Bolayela the African SPD Parliamentarian in the City-State of Bremen were present. Madam Petra Lotzkat of the Integration Department, represented Mr. Detlef Scheele, Senator for Social, Family and Integration Affairs and delivered an encouraging address to the gathering, after the speech of Hon. Kenneth Gbandi. Miss Dayan Kodua, film actress, gracefully did the overall introduction of events during the occasion. She finally invited Mr. Clement Klutse to do the most important thing, the introduction of the members of ACF as the highlight of the occasion, which he did with a brief speech giving the background of the ACF.
The Task of ACF
Apart from brain storming activities, initiatives most relevant to the welfare of the community will be discussed and acted upon. The group will basically do the following things:
A. Act as a Think Tank to help articulate the interests of Africans in Hamburg regarding issues such as Jobs, Housing, Health, Education, Asylum and Deportations among many other things.
B. Solid Network activities to galvanise co-operation between the African communities and fellow citizens of Hamburg.
C. Function as Lobby Group to help promote understanding and cordial relationship amongst the citizens of Hamburg.
Below are the members of ACF:
Hon. Kenneth Gbandi
CEO HiBC GmbH/Edior in Chief African Heritage Print and online Magazine
African Representative, Hamburg Senate Integration Advisory Council
Mr. Marouane Snoussi, Dipl. Ing.
Chairman MS EDUCATION Bildung & Integration e. V.
Acting Deputy Speaker
Dr. Frank Kwaw Codjoe
Co-ordinating Sekretary
Mr. Mahamane Diarra
Unternemen für Bildung
Responsible for Bildung & Ausbildung/Arbeit und Wohnung
Dr. David Okeke
Responsible for Wissenschaft & Forschung
Dr. Bernard Doku
Responsible for Health & Consummer Protection.
Mr. Kenneth Gbandi
Responsible for Labour, Social and Family Affairs, Integration /Economy & Finance.
Madame Eileen-Mary Posch Oduro
Responsible for Labour, Social andFamily Affairs, Integration/Economy & Finance.
Mr. Clement Klutse, MBA
Responsible for Labour, Social and Family Affairs, Integration/ Economy & Finances.
Mr. Eze Nosiri
Responsible for Labour, Social and Family Affairs, Integration/Economy & Finance.
Mr. Benjamin Jacobs
Responsible for Police, Justice & Internal Affairs (Asylum ).
Mr. Chris Ezeh
Online Publisher Euro-Africa
Responsible for Media.
Dr. Victor Njimah
Responsible for Media.
Hon. Kenneth Gbandi
Responsible for Media.
Mr. Charles Njoku, Engr.
Responsible for Youth, Sports & Culture.
Mr. Salia Adams
Responsible for Youth, Sports & Culture.
Advisory Board Members
Madame Caroline Seigert-Kieni
Representative of Eastern & Southern Africa.
Madame Ba Hawa Fofana
Representative of West Africa (excluding) Nigeria und Ghana.
Mr. Marouane Snoussi, Dipl. Ing.
Representative of North Africa & PROFESSIONAL GROUPS.
Imam Mohamed Awal
Representative of MUSLIMS Association.
Pastor Ossia Okeke
Mr. Jude Ogunnaya
Representative of the CENTRAL NIGERIAN UNION.
Mr. Anane Kakyire
Representative of GHANA UNION.
Now that the official inauguration has been done, the Forum must fully get into
operation and set itself effectively to the task for which it has been established. It must
do all it can and give a different image to the African communities in Hamburg. From
the caliber of those who have accepted to be members of the Forum, there is room for
maximum hope for the future.
Contact and ACF official Address
Haferkamp 2
22082 Hamburg
By Hon. Kenneth Gbandi for African Heritage