Author: admin

“There are people in charge of securing the federation; Nigeria’s director of national security, the N.S.A. (National Security Adviser), has a responsibility to inhibit the free flow of ammunition among all forms of ethnic and political militia in the nation. The security of the nation and deaths within are his and the presidents responsibility, ultimately” Over 161 bodies have been recovered in a Benisheik attack staged by Boko Haram last week, on a highway between Maiduguri and Damaturu and another highway attack from Maiduguri to Bamboa. The terrorists came in 20 pickup trucks with two light tanks, firing anti-aircraft…

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5 Queens One Crown The winner of this year’s Miss Nigeria Germany was crowned yesterday 21st of September 2013 at the Hamburger saal- (Photo AH) The Winner is Miss Alice Sana Mohamed, a beauty from the Northern part of Nigeria. She captivated the audience with her angelic voice, when she sang a popular song by Rihanna called “Stay”. Miss Sana told us that if she becomes the winner, she is going to start a project which will be about taking care and looking after less privileged old African people here in Germany. The first runner up is Miss Sarah…

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The History Maker: First German Federal Parliamentarian of African origin in the History of Germany “There is no arguing the fact that African Diapora involvement in German Politics is a clear testimony of the “Integration Policy” of Germany” – Obiora Nweke, Political Desk AH. Germany made history on the 22nd September. A historic leap in the areas of political integration of Africans  into one of the highest organ of the Federal Republic of Germany, “The Bundestag”. Who would have dreamt about that 50 years ago? But this is 2013. This historic journey started in October, 6th in 2012 when Dr.…

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“Would we ever see our ex presidents and ex heads of security, those NSA bosses who only succeeded in enabling and masterminding the creation of all forms of terrorist groups and ethnic militia in our country, walking by? They know better. And even if they did walk by, will we be as exceptional as these US students who risk getting beat-down and arrested to challenge and reject those who they see as monsters?”   Perhaps you have read about the CUNY (City University of New York) student and faculty protests against US ex-General David Petraeus teaching a course on public…

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INTERVIEW: HON. COLLINS NWEKE, CHAIRMAN NIDO EUROPE “The Nigerian in Diaspora is generally hardworking with a deep-seated love of fatherland”   Q:  What role is NIDOE playing in defining Nigeria´s role in international diplomacy? Nigerians in Diaspora Organisation can only play a facilitation role as far as international diplomacy for Nigeria is concerned. I guess that as an organisation, we have always sought to understand in the first instance what our foreign policy priorities are before making a determination on how and where we plug in. Policy as we know is dynamic, rather than static but one thing that has…

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Do You Know Who I am? “What can you do to me? Lock me in jail? I live in jail. You have made my country a prison. Kill me? I am dead already. Shame has killed me. I travel abroad and I am insulted. People ask me what’s wrong with my country. I tuck my head in shame. They think there is something wrong with the black race because of you, Mr. Legislooter. I know there are so many more Nigerians, honest, decent, intelligent, willing and able to make the flowers bloom, and re-establish this great nation into a world…

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Setting the Facts on Gays Straight As Africans, we need to know that not only must we set our political and economic compass, but also standardize our moral compass. The ‘Gay’ issue is a very important one, and thus, I contribute some input as Nigerians wait for our president to sign the same-sex bill into law. Firstly, there are important items to note on regulations and legislature. It is pertinent we recognize that there is no global union or governing body of thought that has the authority to determine (including via intimidation) what individual states decide on this sensitive religious…

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How to become an overnight Billionaire in Nigeria –        By Femi Aribisala (photo AH) Pull Quote: If you want to get rich quick, here is the Nigerian blueprint.  But please, don’t tell anyone I wiki-leaked?this highly-classified national secret to you. With only some 50 years of independent national existence, Nigeria is a country reeking with new money.?  The overwhelming proportion of the millionaires and billionaires in the country are nouveau-riche;? they became rich literally overnight. We are talking of people whose wealth does not go beyond a generation.  Indeed, the fantastic wealth of Nigerian billionaires like Femi Otedola scarcely…

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The Parliamentary Fix to Our Broken Democracy “The gift of parrot’s eggs” “The World Bank rates South Africa, Mauritius, Gabon and Botswana, upper-middle income economies. It is more than a coincidence that of these four nations, three run parliamentary democracies” ‘Tribalism and democracy are incompatible,’ Dr Elizabeth Rata, associate professor in the School of Critical Studies at the University of Auckland and member of New Zealand’s Independent Constitutional Review Panel, said this January. In contrast to Africa, most European nations follow the parliamentary system of governance. Complex and diverse nations like India, Lebanon and Israel also utilize the parliamentary system.…

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Prison Break! Across the Bow and Into the Heart: Obama’s Syria Endgame or WW3? Sept. 4, 2013 This may be the biggest story you have ever read and may ever live to witness. It is straight out of a Robert Ludlum novel. And possibly his best one, yet to be written. It all started on August 21st at about 3 am when there was a sudden burst of information about a major chemical weapons attack in Syria, and patients started streaming into hospitals. We need to rewind a bit. It actually evidently started August 20th, when rebels already started…

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