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Nigeria: PDP Break-Up – Obasanjo Calls Elders Meeting  – Daily Trust 2 September 2013 (Photo: AH) Abuja, Abeokuta, Sokoto, Minna and Ilorin — Leaders of the ruling People’s Democratic Party (PDP) yesterday held series of meetings, aimed at breaking the impasse that caused the split of the party into two, but no headway was announced by late last night. President Goodluck Jonathan, who earlier in the day met with former President Olusegun Obasanjo, summoned all PDP governors, including the seven who on Saturday broke off to form the ‘New PDP.’ They began discussions at about 9.30pm at the Presidential Villa…

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KARAMBA DIABY – A Date with History By Femi Awoniyi (pixs AH) Yes, there are already members of the Bundestag (Germany’s federal parliament) who are of Iranian, Croatian and Turkish origin. Even the leader of the governing coalition party, the FDP, and deputy chancellor, Philip Rössler, was born in Vietnam. Nevertheless the candidacy of Karamba Diaby (aged 51) for the Bundestag in the 22 September general election is a novelty. If he wins, the Senegalese-born member of the centre-right Social Democratic Party (Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands or SPD) would be Germany’s first federal parliamentarian of African origin. The fact that Diaby…

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David Mark Rules Out Diaspora Voting Right www. The Senate President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Senator David Mark, has ruled out the possibility of achieving the much agitated Diaspora Voting Right by Nigerians living abroad just as he said that local government autonomy was very crucial in order to ensure that local government were better run in the country. Addressing Nigerians during a courtesy visit on the Nigeria’s Ambassador to the United States, Professor Adebowale Ibidapo Adefuye, at the embassy’s chancery in Washington, DC yesterday, Senator David Mark emphatically said that Diaspora voting would not work for…

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When Democracy Fails… Genesis (NIV Bible) 19: 4 Before they had gone to bed, ALL THE MEN FROM EVERY PART OF THE CITY of Sodom—both young and old—surrounded the house. 5 They called to Lot, “Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them.” The Cattle (Quran) 6: 116 Wert thou to follow THE COMMON RUN OF THOSE ON EARTH, they will lead thee away from the way of Allah. They follow nothing but conjecture: they do nothing but lie. In the Palestinian legislative elections…

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  When I was a child, I spoke like a child, thought like a child, and reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up my childish ways.   Corinthians 13:11 (ISV) A life stage is obviously amiss in the Biblical verse above: – Adolescence. The conversation on early marriage as relates to Africa cannot be gainfully completed without taking an educative look at the psychological – cultural – historical features of the appearance of this social quandary. There was a stage where Africans in trust, accepted dictated policies from the United Nations, World Health Organization and other…

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“I saw a dark cloud hovering over the north of beautiful Nigeria. And as I ruminated on how to meaningfully convey this pressing rendition, I saw two articles from fellow northerners I strongly respect. Authors and speakers who are never shy to say it as it is, both describing the same predicament” In the news another young northern man is claiming to be the new boss of Boko Haram. Mohammed Marwana bragged that to prove he was the new don, he had promised ahead of time of the Kano bombings at Sabon Gari that claimed over a dozen innocent lives.…

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Pressemitteilung Nachwuchs fürs Handwerk – dringend gesucht! Rekordverdächtig viele Ausbildungsplätze im Angebot – Betriebe werben um Azubis für Berufe in allen Gewerken Einen Monat vor Beginn des Ausbildungsjahres 2013 sind die Chancen für Jugendliche auf eine Lehrstelle im Handwerk rekordverdächtig groß. Aktuell (Stichtag 30. Juni 2013) werden in der Online-Lehrstellenbörse der Handwerkskammer Hamburg noch 513 Ausbildungsplätze angeboten, davon 397 für das Lehrjahr 2013 und 116 für 2014. Handwerkskammerpräsident Josef Katzer: “Die Türen der Handwerksbetriebe sind für interessierte und leistungsbereite junge Menschen weit geöffnet. Das Handwerk bietet sehr vielfältige Karriereperspektiven.” Ein Grund für die Entwicklung ist…

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Akwa Ibom Leadership & Economic Summit 2013: Flagging off the Centenary celebration of Nigeria in Germany (1-3 August) Akwa Ibom State has a very rich history full of state and national trailblazers, and with several highlights worth celebrating. One of many important historical facts and highlights is that Lord Lugard, a colonial governor, signed the Amalgamation Proclamation in a house currently located in Ikot Abasi Local Government Area of the State. Also, in Akwa Ibom State, following the end of Lord Lugard’s indirect rule in 1947 and the passing of the Local Government Ordinance a few years later, Ikot Ekpene…

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 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SEADOGS, PYRATES CONFRATERNITY PRESS RELEASE! Ethical Deficit, Corruption and the Challenges of Nation Building in 21st Century Nigeria   No nation can survive without strong moral and ethical foundation. Correspondingly, a nation devoid of morals and strong code of ethics is a nation without a soul. In plain speak; such a nation is without identity and can never take a pride of place in the comity of nations. Morality and ethical behaviour may seem utopic and aspirational, but those two time-honoured concepts are the transitory and transactional basis and grounding for patriotism. Our laws, mores and…

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Nigerian community  Germany:  STATE OF THE UNION “Why then is it that the same issues highlighted in 2009 are still the problems of Nigerian Community Germany four years later ? Any honest look into the foregoing minutes would present an organization that is though on cross-roads at the time but with potentials for growth” Without resorting to the gauging of facts, it has become apposite to look into the absolute need for a quick over-haul of the Nigerian community in Germany. This newspaper would engage in a walk through memory lane of the regime of the present national executives…

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