Rev. Dr. Georg Huessler, Fr. President of Caritas International: Biafran War & the Igbo Children

Rev. Dr. Huessler was the President of Caritas International for 22 years. As you may have known or heard, Caritas International, World Council of Churches and International Red Cross were the three major Relief Agencies that saved millions of Igbo Lives during the Biafran War. Dr. Huessler of Caritas played a major role, flying relief materials into Biafra through Uli Airport, at a stage he suffered humiliation at the hands of those who wished Ndiigbo dead and who were against his humanitarian action in favour of the starving Igbo children and folks. Dr. Huessler even took some Biafran Children to Gabon for safety and returned them after the War. He deserves a “Thank You” from us as Ndiigbo for he risked his life and saved millions of Igbo Lives. Let us appreciate Dr. Huessler´s Charity to us and humanity. The Jews and their Organizations till today still honour all those who helped to save Jewish lives during the Holocaust, so why should we and our Organisations – Igbo state Governments, Ohanaeze Ndiigbo, World Igbo Congress, Igbo state and Town social and Cultural Organizations not show that we have not forgotten those who stood by us at the most difficult moment in our History? It shall be good, if every Igbo man and woman shall send Dr. Huessler a Birthday card, thanking God for his Life and at the same time expressing our appreciation to him. This is one of the greatest honors we can do to him at 90. Let us surprise him with our Cards and Gifts, he is still active and can read and write himself, all the same, he has Assistants that can also read for him.


Without people like Dr. Huessler and his Organisation Caritas, hunger, starvation and kwashiorkor could have killed more Biafran children, men and women as those who fought against us had planned. Please send him a Card and express your appreciation and do tell him that you are an Igbo and thankful for his help during the Biafran War. Kindly bring this Information to the attention of all Ndiigbo, Igbo state Governments, Ohanaeze Ndiigbo, World Igbo Congress, Igbo state and Town social and Cultural Organizations at home and abroad. Igbo Governments and the Executives of Igbo Organisations shall be showing leadership qualities and able representation of their organisations by sending Cards and Messages, they shall also mobilize their members to do so individually. Cards sent by post or courier are those things that can be preserved by him and later by the Caritas in their Archives. Please send your own card, messages and gifts like Artworks, drawings etc by post or through courier and do not forget to include in your message, your full name and address (if possible). It does not matter when he receive them, what is important is that we as Ndiigbo still remember him. Daalu nu. May the Almighty God bless and preserve us all. O bu m,

Article taken form Joe Mmeh´s collection. Joe Mmeh is a Nigerian and community activists leaving in Freiburg, Germany



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