Press Release
First Quarterly Update January – March 2012
It is 6 months since the election and three months since we had our first official inaugural seating. I wish to use this opportunity to update you on my activities on the first quarter of the year as in pursuit of my promise prior to my election.
Inaugural Seating
The year kicked off with the official inaugural seating on the 18th January 2011 in Hamburg Rathaus. The seating was to examine a draft program and work out the necessary guideline for the 20 legislative period. Members deliberated on it and a follow up seating took place on the 1st of March 2012 to conclude and adopt the working program. Various committees were also set up.
Meeting with the Groups
Before then however, that is immediately after the election in November, I wrote all the 69 associations that took part on the election requesting for a stakeholders meeting. I divided the association into five Groups. The meeting was basically to introduce myself and share ideas with them. I had a meeting with the first Group, The African Christian Council, which comprises 23 Churches on the 4th January 2012.
I met with the second group comprising Nigerian Community which comprises Abriba Union, Awak senatorial, Delta Union, Edo Union, Egbe Isedale Omo Yoruba, Enugu Union, Essan Union, Ika Union Germany e.v, Okigwe Unio, Olu Union, Ondo State Union e.v., Oweer Union, Oyo and Osun Union e.v and the parent body, the Nigerian Community Germany on the 14th January 2012.
I met with the third group comprising Adangbe Society, Adesuapa – Gutes Lernen, African German Network Association, Atwima Association, Ghana Senior Citizens Club, Meshama Foundation, National Democratic Congress, Okwahuman Union, Sekyere Koroye Koroye and the parent body Ghana Union Hamburg on the 7th February 2012.
I met with the forth Group comprising African Muslim Association, Ägyptisch-Deutsche Gesellschaft Nord, Arabisch-deutscher Kulturverein, Der islamische Bund, Islamische Gemeinschaft Sabikun, Islamischer Verein El-Iman, Islamischer Verein Nasrul Faida, Islamischer Verein Tawba and Verband arabischer Wissenschaftler on the 9th February 2012.
I met with the fifth and last group comprising ADLC-Congo, Amical der Guineischen, Balimaya Ton Hamburg, Gadanqme Club Hamburg, Guinée-Solidaire-Organisation, Mfantsiman Verein Deutschland, MS EDUCATION Bildung & Integration, Safak, SchlauFox and Sekyere Koroye Kuo on the 13th February 2012.
In the group meeting, I introduce myself once more personally and my planned programs and initiatives to those groups and individuals present and further exchange idea on how best to address the challenges within the community as well as seek their supports for the work of the African Representatives at the Council in general.
Important issues in the Meeting
The most important on the agenda on the meeting includes but not limited to:
– Update on the just concluded election, composition of the new Hamburg Senate Integration Advisory Council and what that means for the African community.
– Thanksgiving Unity service planned for Saturday 24th March 2012 at the “Wort des Glaubens e.V”. Ölmühlenweg 4, Hamburg.
– Planned “Friday prayer” Jumu’ah for our Muslims brothers and sisters date yet to be fixed.
– Information Workshop/seminar for the 27th April at Barmbek Basch Kulturzentrum, Wohldorfer Str. 30, 22081 Hamburg
– Einweihungsbankett des „African Consultative Forum (ACF)“ in den Festsaal Le Royal, Hermann-Buck-Weg 9, 22309 Hamburg, on 25th May 2012
Important Updates
In between these dates however, some important events and meeting has taken place they include:-
– 5th March 2012, meeting with the director & a staff of the Fluchlings Centrum. The outcome of the meeting is reflected in the planned information workshop for the 27th April 2012.
– 16th March 2012, another opportunity to address the African Christian Council & partake in the Prayer meeting. I also used the opportunity to officially inform the congregation on the Thanksgiving service.
– 19th March 2012, meeting in Kultur Behöder to have an overview with the Program for the immigrants and Africans in the big picture. The outcome of the meeting is also reflected in the planned information workshop for the 27th April.
– 27th March 2012, first meeting of the Arbeit Groups Anti-discrimination (Committee). I was also elected speaker for the committee “Anti-Discrimination, Integrationsbeirat Hamburg. Outcome is reflected in the planned information workshop for the 27th April and on subsequent events.
Hon. Kenneth Gbandi