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A LETTER FROM GERMANYA LETTER FROM GERMANY  Immigration through an Immigrant’s Lens –          Prof. Brando Okolo “It is hard not to be ambivalent about immigration issues. Illegal immigrants in Europe are in the labour system. They have no choice but to work once an opportunity to do so is presented. While punishing people who employ illegal immigrants might appear attractive, the truth though is that punishment will not stop the process of hiring illegal immigrants. If the European Union keeps working-class illegal immigrants disenfranchised from the economic system it will be paying a huge economic price as in lost tax…

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Niger Delta struggle: Explosive interview with Comrade Sunny Ofehe Obiora Nweke, Associate Publisher of African Heritage magazine and heads our politics and Policy Desk “I am a strong supporter of resource control but with a very simple condition that the leadership of the Niger Delta region must first free themselves from the hands of our current corrupt political leaders. The biggest corruption in the Nigerian polity today is taking place in the Niger Delta!” The crisis in the Niger Delta is a central issue in this year of general elections in Nigeria and every aspirant has at least a policy…

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Exclusive Interview with Dr Neeraj Mistry, Managing Director, Global Network for Neglected Tropical Diseases “Addressing NTDs improves productivity and contribute to broader economic growth and prosperity of countries” –  says Dr Neeraj Mistry, Managing Director, Global Network for Neglected Tropical Diseases in an exclusive interview with ANA’s Musah Ibrahim Musah in Berlin, Germany. Excerpts follow: Dr Mistry, thank you for talking to us. I will first start by asking you to tell us a brief history of the Global Network for Neglected Tropical Diseases.  The Global Network for Neglected Tropical Diseases was started in 2006, and this was when…

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The Importance and Philosophy of the Right of Self-Defence Part II (concluded) – Miki Egba, Jurist (PHD in International Law) In continuation of our political-historical journey of the right of self-defence, we shall now turn over to the legal status of self-defence. Self-defence in accordance with § 32 sec. 2  Strafgesetzbuch (German criminal law) states that the defence is required in order to turn away or prevent  a present illegal attack of itself or another. As it is with various laws of self-defence, this paragraph has its prerequisites: The self-defence action is justified, when a self-defence situation is given and…

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DEACON MCMANUEL OSARUMWENSE EHIGIE National President of Edo state Community of Nigeria, Germany: One of the most organized Community in Europe Deacon McManuel Osarumwense Ehigie, the National President of Edo state Community of Nigeria, Germanye.V. was born into the Christian families of Elder Daniel Ehigie(Rtd) formerly of the Nigeria Army, and Madam Roseline Aimufua a renowned Midwife, in Benin City, Edo state of Nigeria. He did his Schoolings in Edo state Nigeria, Open University England, and Correspondent Schools in Germany. Deacon Ehigie the accomplished Banker was a Supervisor in one of the reputable Banks in Nigeria before leaving the Shores…

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Hon. Kenneth Gbandi The  New African Community Representative at Hamburg Senate Integration Advisory Council, Germany    – Obiora Nweke Hamburg is no doubt one of Germany’s biggest commercial metropole and is home to Millions of people from all over the world. Hamburg is a Gateway to the World described by many as the highlight of the North.  It is a  multicultural modern society with a population of about  1,7 Million citizens with 30% of the population as people with immigration background of which over 35,000 are of African descent. Today, organizing and representing the interest of these 35,000 Africans is…

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Dedication & Birthday Ceremony of Master David Treasure Oluwagbemiga Akinsade Pastor Tubo, pastor in charge of the Fountain of Living Water Ministries in Berlin, and his beautiful wife Carol Adedoyin, a staff of the Nigerian Embassy, Berlin invited their friends, relatives, dignitaries from all walks of life for the dedication & Birthday of their son Master David Treasure Oluwagbemiga Akinsade. The event took place 31st July 2011 at the  Fountain Of Living Waters Ministry , House Of Hope Berlin At the end of the event , Pastor Tubo and Pastor (Mrs) Tubokun Akinsade expressed their thanks  to their wonderful guests,…

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Princess Adaeze Onwuka One of the highlights of the diasporan community celebration  in Germany was the Church outing service of Princess Adaeze Onwuka. Prince Ekene Onwuka and Mrs. Chiamaka D. Onwuka invited  family members, relatives, business associates, prominent Berliners, friends and well wishers from Nigeria, UK and from all over Germany to join his family in celebrating Princess Adaeze Onwuka Church outing service on the 26 September  at St George Anglican Church Berlin charlottenburg. This was followed with a sumptuous meals and a variety of delicacies at a well planned reception. The climax of the ceremony was the Toast…

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A frank statement on the African economy –          Prof. Brando Okolo This edition of the African Heritage magazine is dedicated to the African economy. The African economy is the most unfairly treated economy in the world. International economic laws are generally weighted against and not in favour of the African economy. Unfair trade practices by the developed countries ensures that weak economies residing in several parts of Africa remain isolated and starved of the capital needed to stimulate growth on any economic scale. The economic attractions of Africa namely oil, wild life – tourism, human resources and a variety of…

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Professor Hermann Reichenspurner of the University Heart Center Hamburg, leads Ghana bridges to new Life for Children with Heart Diseases “Healthy Children are Happier Children” (foto: Prof. Charles Yankah, Präsident, Afrika Kulturinstitut e.V.) A team of medical doctors from the University Heart Center Hamburg (UHZ), University teaching Hospital Eppendorf, led by Professor Hermann Reichenspurner will fly to Ghana in June to operate and treat children with heart disease. The doctors who will be sacrificing their vacation and leisure time in Ghana will be bringing along with them their professional know-how, and donated medical equipment and drugs to treat children…

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